Yep, it feels like spring today. Going to be 63 and sunnyish. I'll take it - and am loving it already today. Rode the kids to school on bikes and then came home and zipped over to make my fave spin class of the week. But Rachel, our reg Friday instructor wasn't there - and it was another who is very nice, but is like a gerbil on speed. She's definitely got issues - and it was her second spin class of the day and then she was training with someone on weights and then she talked about running 1.5 miles each way to pick up her daughter from school (3 miles total - all hill work). I mean really....that's just not normal. Don't get me wrong, i've BEEN there! But i'm not there now, nor do i want to go back. Plus she always talks about calories and how you can burn more. I wish they'd really just shut the hell up and lead the class sometimes. But I pushed really hard in class - and it felt great. Then i grabbed a cup of coffee and met my good friend at her job, a record label, where she told me that they were all told they'd be let go in May'ish. She just relocated from the Germany office, and she has lots of connections and opps. One of them is starting her own gig, which I may go in on. We'll see. But anyway....i feel badly because i know everyone in the office and many of the bands on the label. These are hard times, for sure.
I got real pissed at a friend of mine the other day who put on her facebook account that she was pissed that the House passed the 90% Bonus taxation bill. This, mind you, only affects those companies who accepted TARP money to bail them out. And it's only for families who make more than $250,000 annually. I reminded her of this, and she said YAY, lucky me, i work for Citigroup. Yeah - well (i wanted to say) fucking count your blessings cuz you 1) still have a job, 2) make a quarter million bucks or more a year, and 3) that's TAXPAYER money you don't deserve to keep...so shut the fuck up!
I have so many friends out of work. Friends going into foreclosure on their homes. People that are going to be okay - but times are tough. So it's really sad to me that she's so selfish and unaffected by the world to actually make a public complaint about that. *sigh*
Then there is that horribly tragic story about that family whose plane crashed in Montana going to ski with their grandparents. I watched one of the other family members (a father on the other side) on the Today show this morning. Those poor people - they lost 13 of their family members all at once. And like the man talked about today, the pilot is being villianized rather than mourned for like he should. Evidently, the media is saying that the plane was overloaded, but in reality it was not over weight because 7 of the passengers were small children. My heart goes out to all the remaining family - this must be beyond devastating, and another reminder that tomorrow is never promised to us, so we have to live engaged lives today!
So let's regroup - refocus. Life is hard, but it is beautiful. Let's remember what is really important. Let's be thankful for our health and the love in our lives. Let's live in the MOMENT, build the love and share it with the world....and smile like there's no tomorrow, because we never know what's around the next corner so make today matter.
Peace and Love to you all.....
xoxoxoxo t
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